Total Reviews:
The account will be created with the first purchase.
During the operation of our service, we were able to collect a huge mass of verified reviews.
about 4 hours ago
Actually super nice to talk to, hope he could add me because I’d love to talk again
TFT Boosting Team
Hello! We don't allow to share personal information for boosters, but you always can catch him for the next order and choose him as your booster! :)
awesome and speedy work!
TFT Boosting Team
Always do :) Thank you.
Super easy for him and no hassle at all!
TFT Boosting Team
Challenger booster ;) thank you!
booster had irl business to take care of and still managed to complete the boost quickly, kept great communication the entire time <3
TFT Boosting Team
Many thanks, will be waiting for another order of you :P
Great work! Kept me up to date when they were going to be playing and completed my order quickly!
TFT Boosting Team
Always, appreciate your review!