FAQ | FAQ related to Teamfight Boosting Process

TFT Boosting FAQ

We answer the most popular questions that involve TFT Boosting process here.

Main questions
TFT boosting questions

What one should expect, when the purchase is done?

Following the purchase you will be readressed to our website, where you should apply for a quick registration to get our service. Thereupon, you will be able to find out your order in the database, which will be made accessible to our professional TFT players. They will accept it and start boosting your rank.

TFT boosting questions

Who will play on my account?

Our TFT boosters are the players from the highest diamond, master and even Challenger Leagues. They are instructed not to chat with client's friends, not to spend IP & RP and not to be toxic in games. This is a great opportunity to chat with a pro player in tft and to learn something new about compositions and meta.

TFT boosting questions

How do you handle refunds?

You will have a guaranteed full refund if the order has not been started yet and you decide to suspend your order. If boosting has already been started, then we are always ready to calculate partial refund.

TFT boosting questions

Can my account get banned?

At the moment, we have not encountered bans in the TFT yet, despite the fact that we work since the very first set.

Common questions
TFT boosting questions

How long will boost continue for?

The boost speed depends on the LP gain of your account, the desired rank and the number of divisions. Your boost is expected to continue from one to few days in almost all cases.

TFT boosting questions

Can I play on my account while boost is in progress?

Yes it is possible. But you cannot play ranked games until your boost is complete. Also make sure that the booster is not currently playing on your account.

TFT boosting questions

How does your customer service work?

We are always open to communication via Facebook messenger and contact form on the site. When some questions occur, we are always ready to answer. Our support is mainly focused to resolve any possible customer issues, which are suprisingly rare on our polished service.

TFT boosting questions

I would like to change the booster. Is it possible?

Yes, sure. You can change the booster any time. Use the pause function, which will reset drop your booster from the order. When you remove the order from a pause - it will fall into our database where another booster can accept it. When some issues arise with the booster, please contact our support service so that we could fix your problem.

TFT boosting questions

What servers is boosting available on?

We operate on: NA, EUW, EUNE, OCE, RU, TR and LAN.

TFT boosting questions

In what way could I communicate with my friends while boosting is on?

You can send messages through boosters. They are ready for it and this is part of the service provided.


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