Total Reviews:
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During the operation of our service, we were able to collect a huge mass of verified reviews.
about 4 hours ago
Fast and good!
TFT Boosting Team
Thank you! Our keys is to be friendly, professional and fast boosting, glad everything worked well! Will be waiting for your next order :)
very professional, did the work in one and a half day!
TFT Boosting Team
:) do our best to make fastests boosts!
It took a bit longer than normal since unlucky chances. Otherwise, a fantastic person to work with who answered all my questions regarding TFT from late-game comps to useful tips and tricks. Highly recommended
TFT Boosting Team
Thank you for recommendations!
Was completed very quickly. Almost all wins were 1st place wins, not just top 4. Extremely professional.
TFT Boosting Team
Working for ya friend :)
Efficient booster and easy to work with!
TFT Boosting Team
Thanks for feedback, hope to see you again soon at our sites ;)