Total Reviews:
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During the operation of our service, we were able to collect a huge mass of verified reviews.
5 days ago
Amazing dude who does a great job boosting. I will be coming back to this dude for sure.
TFT Boosting Team
Can't ask for more than a happy customer after a boost!:)
best best best
TFT Boosting Team
Thanks so much for a feedback!
Very quick and great to work with.
TFT Boosting Team
Glad you liked a service, would be always happy to boost you again!:)
Amazing booster, would recommend him to anyone who is looking to climb up fast
TFT Boosting Team
Hi mate! Thanks for highest rate and 5 stars! :) Was a pleasure!
maybe the best booster! gg
TFT Boosting Team
ggwp mate, thank you!